The magical design of Rise of the Witches by world renowned fantasy artist, Lisa Parker, is featured on this lunch bag. Within a magical forest with a beautiful dark green background, sits a black cat staring intently, waiting for her mystical accomplice to return. The tree branches entwined, creating a perfect stand for the crystal ball in front of the cat. Within the crystal ball is the image of two witches on broomsticks with bats flying above their heads.
With the full image across the top of the bag, a smaller image of the cat and crystal ball is repeated across the front and around the sides in an oval border against a dark background. The back of the bag features the Lisa Parker logo among stars and crescent moons. The bag has two colour matching straps and a zip around the top.
Also helping to reduce landfill waste as 40% of the base material of this item is made from recycled plastic.
Perfect for school or picnics, folds flat for easy storage (will be sent flat).